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Coding Critique: Navigating the Art of Effective Code Reviews

Introduction to code review

Code reviews play a very crucial role in producing high quality software when high precision and reliability are required from the developed software. Code reviews, also referred to as peer reviews or pull request reviews, are examinations of code by one or more developers other than the author. This collaborative approach is more than just a formality; it is an art, which once perfected, can dramatically improve the overall quality, maintainability, and efficiency of a codebase.

Fig 1: Code Review Depiction through AI (image generated through

Code review is more than just a tool for detecting bugs and errors. It provides a chance for information transfer, a forum for discussing best practices, and a means of encouraging a culture of continuous improvement inside a development team. By allowing for constructive criticism and cooperation, code reviews serve as a catalyst for honing of individual coding skills of developers and collectively enhancing the expertise of the whole team involved in the process.

In this blog, we will delve into the why, the how, and the deeper intricacies of this very essential practice used by software development teams. Beginning from how to start a code review to the strategies for conducting them with finesse, we will delve into the deeper intricacies required for this collaborative process to guide you on a journey for unleashing the full potential of code reviews in your software development endeavors.

Fig 2: Example of an Error Detected in Code Review 
"Code review results with translation template extractor" by Gábor Hojtsy is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0."

Purpose of Code Review

Code reviews are more than just procedural checkpoints; are an essential component of software development, fulfilling a variety of important functions that go beyond bug detection. Understanding the broader goals of code reviews is critical to comprehending their role in creating strong, stable, and efficient codebases. Let's look at the various reasons why code reviews are such an important component of the development process:

  1. Bug Detection and Prevention: Code reviews serve as the first line of defence against defects and errors. Potential flaws can be identified and corrected before they become more serious problems during testing or production by having the code examined by many scrutinizing eyes of expert developers/reviewers
  2. Ensure Code Quality and Consistency: Code reviews enable fulfilling coding standards and best practices. They contribute to maintaining a uniform style throughout the source, which improves readability and makes it easier for developers to understand and collaborate on the project.
  3. Knowledge transfer and onboarding: Code reviews serve as a venue for knowledge transfer within the team. They provide an opportunity for less experienced engineers to learn from more experienced colleagues, increasing onboarding and skill development.
  4. Peer Learning and Collaboration: Aside from pointing out errors, code reviews are a mechanism for sharing insights, alternative approaches, and best practices. Team members can learn from one another, resulting in constant improvement and advancement of coding skills.
  5. Architecture and Design Validation: Code reviews allow for a comprehensive analysis of the project's architecture and design decisions. This collaborative review guarantees that the code is consistent with the project's general structure and aims.
  6. Security Auditing: Security flaws can be subtle and readily missed. Code reviews give an extra layer of examination to uncover any security concerns, thereby fortifying applications against potential attackers.
  7. Code Performance Optimization: Reviewers can make suggestions for improving code performance, ensuring that the program works smoothly and fulfills performance standards.
  8. Documentation and Commentary Review: Code reviews go beyond the code itself and include documentation and comments. Having well-documented code improves the project's long-term maintainability.
  9. Continuous Improvement: By providing constructive input and learning from each iteration, code reviews serve as a catalyst for ongoing improvement. Teams can adapt their methods and practices based on the knowledge gained from evaluating and refining their code.
In essence, the goal of code reviews goes much beyond error discovery; it involves creating a collaborative, learning-oriented atmosphere that improves the overall quality of the software being developed.

Some very useful types of code reviews include: pair programming, formal inspection, asynchronous code review, over-the-shoulder review, tool assisted code review, email-based code review, continuous integration (CI) reviews, walkthroughs and checklist-based reviews.

Whatever the type of review a crucial ingredient for performing a code review is maintaining a proper tone for the review, meaning a positive and constructive tone must be ensured to foster collaboration and team participation.

Another crucial factor required to perform a code review is to select a suitable reviewer which requires taking into account factors like experience, expertise with the relevant technology and communication skills.

Another aspect the code reviewers must be aware of is to maintain a balance between quickly conducting code reviews and performing a thorough examination of the code.

The reviewer must also groom the new team members on receiving feedback gracefully and taking it as an opportunity for professional growth and improvement. This should also be used a tool for continuous improvement rather than a one time activity.

Automation tools can play a crucial role in the review process. The tools can streamline various aspects of the review process ranging from checking coding standards to identifying bugs and security vulnerabilities. Following is a list of some code review tools along with what aspect of review they target:

  1. Linters: 
    • ESLint (JavaScript/TypeScript): is a static code analysis tool that detects and resolves issues in JavaScript and TypeScript code.
    • Pylint (Python): A Python-specific tool that detects errors, enforces coding standards, and evaluates code quality.
  2. Static code analyzers:
    • SonarQube is an open-source tool for continuously inspecting code quality. It checks code for bugs, security flaws, and code smells.
    • Checkmarx is a security vulnerability identification and remediation tool for source code.
  3. Code Style Enforcers:
    • StyleCop (.NET): is a tool that enforces style and consistency rules for C# code.
    • RuboCop (Ruby): A Ruby static code analyzer and formatter based on the community Ruby style guide.
  4. Unit Testing Tools:
    • JUnit (Java): A popular testing framework for Java that uses annotations to identify test methods.
    • Pytest (Python): A Python testing framework that simplifies the creation of simple unit tests.
  5. Continuous Integration (CI) Platforms 
    • Jenkins: is an open-source automation server that lets you build, test, and deploy code. It interfaces with version control systems, triggering builds and tests automatically.
    • Travis CI: A continuous integration (CI) tool that interacts with GitHub repositories to automate code testing and building.
  6. Code Review Platforms:
    • GitHub Actions: GitHub's integrated CI/CD and automation platform. It enables you to define workflows, including automated tests and code analysis, that are triggered by events such as pull requests.
    • GitLab CI/CD is GitLab's integrated continuous integration and delivery technology that automates code testing, building, and deployment.
  7. Dependency Scanning Tools:
    • OWASP Dependency Check: Identifies project dependencies and determines whether there are any known, publicly documented vulnerabilities.
    • Snyk: Helps detect and address vulnerabilities in dependencies, including open-source libraries and frameworks.
  8. Security scanners:
    • Nessus is a commonly used vulnerability scanner that detects security flaws in online applications and networks.
    • Qualys Web Application Scanning is a tool for detecting and fixing security flaws in web applications.
  9. Automated Formatting Tools:
    • Prettier (JavaScript/TypeScript, CSS, etc.) is an opinionated code formatter that enforces a consistent code style.
    • Black (Python): An uncompromising code formatter for Python that reformats code in a uniform manner.
  10. Test coverage tools:
    • JaCoCo (Java) is a Java Code Coverage Library that displays which parts of your code are not covered by tests.
    • (Python): A Python utility for calculating code coverage during test execution.
These technologies help to improve the efficiency and efficacy of code reviews by automating routine checks and providing developers with timely feedback. However, it is crucial to highlight that, while automation technologies are useful, they do not replace human code review, which provides insights into design decisions, business logic, and a larger contextual understanding.


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Here are some links to good books on learning Code Reviews and Software Quality on Amazon.

Software Engineering at Google: Lessons Learned from Programming Over Time (link)

Good Code, Bad Code: Think like a software engineer (link)

C++ Software Design: Design Principles and Patterns for High-Quality Software (link)

Effective Code Reviews: Tips for Detecting and Preventing Bugs (link)

Implementing Effective Code Reviews: How to Build and Maintain Clean Code (link)


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